We train knowledgeable and compassionate caregivers focused on the overall patient experience.
Class 1 - Healthcare Culture of Caring
The first course reviews the expectations and service behaviors of all LAZ Healthcare Service Employees. The CARE behaviors (Compassionate, Attentive, Resourceful, Efficient) outline detailed expectations (verbal and nonverbal) to ensure that LAZ employees are truly compassionate caregivers who understand the importance they have on the overall patient experience.
Class 2 - Healthcare Regulation Awareness
This course is designed to give our Healthcare Service Employees a general overview the regulatory agencies and acts that are critically important to healthcare organizations. The employees will learn the basic standards and what they need to comply with and be aware of. The topics are as follows: US Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS), Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Services (HCAHPS), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Joint Commission (JC (formerly JCAHO)) and Healthcare Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).
Class 3 - Supporting Hospital Safety
The third and final course ensures that all LAZ Healthcare Service Employees know the LAZ safety principles and how they can support overall safety and security throughout the healthcare organization
including wheelchair safety, emergency management support protocols, security awareness – front line eyes and ears
and environmental safety.