As part of a continued global partnership, LAZ Parking has joined forces with Cofiroute USA to deliver customer service excellence in toll collection. The team is excited to announce a contract with the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) for toll collection staffing. The three year contract encompasses four DRPA toll bridges and brings the global resources and experience of VINCI, Cofiroute USA and LAZ Parking together. Parent company of Cofiroute USA and major partner of LAZ Parking, VINCI reported annual revenues of $50.7 billion in 2012 and has nearly 200,000 employees in over 100 countries.
President and Founder of LAZ Parking, Jeffrey Karp said “We are extremely honored to partner with Cofiroute USA whose vast knowledge regarding the total management of all toll operations will undoubtedly enhance the overall operation with the DRPA”. Cofiroute USA and LAZ Parking look forward to a contract start date with the DRPA of November 1, 2013.